poster 1Through Adobe’s PhotoShop, I manipulated together a little film poster consisting of screenshots from my film, ‘PRAY’. I think I’ve made a successful and attractive piece in many ways. There’s a strong sense of composition and symmetry through the background image of the church and the faces, along with the text. I think I also slightly captured, through strategically choosing particular screenshots, elements of my main character’s personality. You can see Tabitha’s curious nature as she looks as Joel and on the other hand you can see the male lead as nervous and perhaps almost sinister with his creepy gaze.



I’ve learnt a lot from filming ‘PRAY’ by making mistakes that informed me of improvements concerning my work.

Firstly, I know now to get hold off co-workers phone numbers as soon as possible. This makes it a lot easier to help organise things since you can get hold of them so much easier and something I wish I had done.

Sound will have to be a higher priority in my next project. I had to re-record a lot of audio such as dialogue, footsteps, sitting down and breathing but once that as down it turned out great.


As you can see from above, made the most of social networks and an event of Facebook to organised our filming.